by ecaoffice | Jun 8, 2023 | Edgemont Youth Press
The Importance of Sunscreen By Ameera P, a volunteer with the Edgemont Youth Press With the summer months coming up, many of us are rushing to grab a bottle of sunscreen for those nice hot days; but why do we use sunscreen in the first place? Why is sunscreen so...
by ecaoffice | Jun 6, 2023 | ELM/Leaf
by ecaoffice | May 31, 2023 | ELM/Leaf
ELM REPORT – May 2023 NEWSLETTER March 31, 2023 The Landscaping 101 session presentation by our ELM coordinator on March 22nd at the Edgemont Community Centre was a huge success and we were very pleased to see an excellent turnout of close to forty keen gardeners....
by ecaoffice | May 31, 2023 | ELM/Leaf
ELM REPORT – April 2023 NEWSLETTER February 28, 2023 At the time you read this, the very first Landscaping 101 session is just behind us, and I hope you came with many questions for our ELM coordinator. If you missed this event, stay tuned for future sessions...
by ecaoffice | May 31, 2023 | ELM/Leaf
ELM REPORT – March 2023 NEWSLETTER January 31, 2023 First of all, here is a quick reminder that our first Landscaping Information Session will be on March 22, 2023, at the Edgemont Community Centre from 7 – 9 PM. Please bring your questions with you or even better,...