by ecaoffice | Jul 1, 2021 | Edgemont Youth Press
By Erika Odney Summer! I may be biased, but this is the best time of the year. Some of my favorite childhood memories were spent outside with my family in the sun. Some may have trip plans, some may be at home all summer, and others will be working. Even still, there...
by ecaoffice | Jul 1, 2021 | President's Messages
With a healthy quorum and the assistance of Bill 53, the business of Edgemont Community Association went ahead, virtually, again this year at the ECA 2021 AGM on 12 May. On behalf of the ECA Board, big thanks are given to our 4 retiring Directors: Brett Plaizier,...
by ecaoffice | Jun 21, 2021 | Community Builders, Community Spirit, ELM News, News
Our ELM coordinator has secured a deal for Edgemont residents to get a discount on fence paint. Did you know your perimeter fence around your residence is your responsibility to repair and paint? The Edgemont community association would like to help you take out...
by ecaoffice | Jun 21, 2021 | News, Outdoor ECA Facilities, Uncategorized
The ECA has been working on the Disc Golf course since 2019, funding is now in place, and a final round of public engagement will occur before the decision to approve the construction of a course is made. The ECA from public input gathered to date and through course...
by ecaoffice | Jun 11, 2021 | Annual General Meeting, News
From left to right: Bill, Elspeth, Elaine, Pam, Rick, Vishal, Terry, Bruce, Shaffic, Anil, Changling, Barb, Min, Scott, Kathleen