by ecaoffice | May 1, 2021 | Edgemont Youth Press
By K Vora Witnessing acts of kindness has a rippling effect, so what’s stopping you from starting this chain of positivity? Here are 12 ways you can spread kindness in our community! Pay for the meal or drink of the person behind you in a drive-through....
by ecaoffice | May 1, 2021 | President's Messages
Sad news to report that Edgemont has lost another friend and long serving volunteer. Linda Connolly passed away 28 March 2021. Words cannot adequately express the loss to our community. Please read Linda’s biography later in these pages. I know...
by ecaoffice | Apr 23, 2021 | ELM/Leaf
Jo-Ann, Rick, Barb, Kathleen, Vishal, Min April brings the first signs of spring and gets our hopes up for beautiful warmer weather for outdoor work and exercise. For ELM, this is the start of Edgemont’s community clean up – all weather-dependent, of...
by ecaoffice | Apr 20, 2021 | ELM News, ELM/Leaf, News
Tree planting is postponed in Edgemont, if Urban Forest decides to plant in 2022 ECA will be given notice in the fall so there will be time for public consultation. Urban Forest Proposal Urban Forest Location 1 Urban Forest Location 2 Elevation Projection Location 1-1...
by ecaoffice | Apr 1, 2021 | President's Messages
Apart from a significant cold snap in February, 2021’s winter has been mild. The warmer than usual trend led to the Skating Rinks at Reservoir Park closing earlier but, thanks to Rick Wierzbicki and a large crew of well-coordinated volunteers, there was very good ice...