Community Spirit
Free, Active Play Stencil Project

Free, Active Play Stencil Project

With the closure of the Edgemont Community Centre (ECC) since March and summer programming cancelled, the Active Stencils Project was initiated to provide a safe, free and easily accessible activity for our community. The stencils were borrowed from the City of...

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Edgemont Spirit

Edgemont Spirit

Dear fellow residents, During these unprecedented times, we all need to help each other, try to keep our spirits up and keep connected with those around us. With this in mind we would like to suggest these two community activities: Chalk the walk or beautify your...

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Edgemont Loves A Parade!

Edgemont Loves A Parade!

It was the first semi-warm and sunny day in a long time. Winter had been long and the first weeks of Covid-19 isolation had made it even more difficult to endure. The parade started as an idea - to spread hope to our families in Edgemont. For school staff it was a way...

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