Governance of an Association is dictated by its ‘Enabling Legislation’ and, in the case of the ECA, the Legislation is the Societies Act of Alberta. From the Act are derived the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures that govern and guide the conduct of the Association. Under the Act, the ECA Board is installed to conduct all business of the Association that does not require the authorization of the members in a General Meeting.
Structured under the Societies Act of Alberta, the ECA Bylaws (Section 5.1 Governance and Management of the Association) are paraphrased here to state:
‘the Board functions as an “Administrative Governance Board”; which means the Association’s business is managed by the Board but it may assign duties to paid employee(s). Additionally, each Director is required to assume specific responsibilities because collectively, Directors actively manage the affairs of the Association both as the Board and as members of Committees.’
ECA AGM 2024 poster and agenda
Board Meetings
All Board meetings will be held at ECC at 7 pm unless otherwise specified. Dates are subject to change.
Tuesday June 18
Tuesday August 20
Tuesday September 17
Tuesday October 22
Tuesday November 19
Tuesday January 21
Tuesday February 18
Tuesday March 18
Tuesday April 15
Wednesday May 14 AGM
Tuesday May 20
Tuesday June 17
No meetings are scheduled for July or December. In the event that there are pressing items we can schedule a Zoom meeting. We will need to schedule a strategic planning session some time in the fall. Generally, our AGM is held the third week of May. In addition, the Board must review and approve the audited statements at the April meeting. If the statements are not available, we will need to make some changes in our meeting calendar.
Volunteer Board of Directors
Pamela Wilson | President | |
Barb Elms | 1st Vice President | |
Umar Ukukkadi | 2nd Vice President | |
Rick Wierzbicki | Treasurer | |
Kieran Fitness | Secretary | |
Jeff Coombes | Director | |
Kathleen Stewart | Director | |
Tina Chen | Director | |
Joanne Nowak | Director | |
Shaffic Fazil | Director |