Dear Edgemont Resident, Maintaining social distance is our shared highest priority in the efforts to control the spread of COVID-19! We also understand that people need community support during this time. If you can assist with non-contact support efforts, such as:...

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ELM Coordinator Hired

ELM Coordinator Hired

The ECA Board and the ELM committee would like to welcome Shari Pitka of Community Landscape Management to the position of ELM Coordinator. The HR Committee received numerous resumes of well qualified people and Shari stood out amongst them. Shari has run Citadel’s...

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Rink Report

Rink Report

The rink program has been going very well this year. We have 12 volunteers helping with the cleaning and flooding so what used to be a two-hour slog is now a 45-minute walk in the park. Thank you to all the volunteers who have come out. We have modified our opening...

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Enhanced Landscaping Maintenance (ELM) Levy

Enhanced Landscaping Maintenance (ELM) Levy

The Enhanced Landscaping Maintenance (ELM) program is supported by a small tax levy. Since 2015, the $84.00 per year has covered: Spring and fall clean up. Tree well and shrub bed maintenance. Irrigation in primary park Twice as much mowing & trimming (weekly)....

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Free, Active Play Stencil Project

Free, Active Play Stencil Project

With the closure of the Edgemont Community Centre (ECC) since March and summer programming cancelled, the Active Stencils Project was initiated to provide a safe, free and easily accessible activity for our community. The stencils were borrowed from the City of...

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Edgemont Spirit

Edgemont Spirit

Dear fellow residents, During these unprecedented times, we all need to help each other, try to keep our spirits up and keep connected with those around us. With this in mind we would like to suggest these two community activities: Chalk the walk or beautify your...

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